Briefly about how to call Ireland

From mobile to Ireland from Russia

+ 353 [area code | carrier code] + [phone number]

From landline to Ireland from Russia

8 10 353 [area code | carrier code] + [phone number]

From home toIreland from Russia

8 10 353 [area code | carrier code] + [phone number]

From office to Ireland from Russia

9 8 10 353 [area code | carrier code] + [phone number]

Important notes when dialing

  • 8 - intercity exit code
  • 10 - international access code
  • 353 - telephone code Ireland
  • 9 - as a rule, this code is used to access the city connection

How to call to Ireland and its cities

From a mobile phone from Russia to Ireland

Dialing method:   8 10 353 subscriber number
 +7 10 353 subscriber number
3 examples: +7 10 3533737687
   8 10 353578733
 +7 8 10 3532853167

From a landline phone from Russia to Ireland

Dialing method:  8 10 353 subscriber number
 +7 10 353 subscriber number
3 examples: +7 10 3539434625
   8 10 3539674034
 +7 8 10 3531829421

From the office in Russia to Ireland

Dialing method: 9 8 10 353 subscriber number
 9 8 10 353 subscriber number
3 examples: 9 8 10 3535669265
 9 8 10 353345563
 9 8 10 3539275305

List of cities and information Ireland (The code 353)

City / Additional information City code How to call
Chelmsford + 353 441245 Chelmsford: how to call and what to dial
Pontypridd + 353 441443 Pontypridd: how to call and what to dial
Aycliffe + 353 441325 Aycliffe: how to call and what to dial
Errol + 353 441821 Errol: how to call and what to dial
Carlow + 353 503 Carlow: how to call and what to dial
Kirkmichael + 353 441655 Kirkmichael: how to call and what to dial
Bedale + 353 441677 Bedale: how to call and what to dial
Orange + 353 447792 Orange: how to call and what to dial
Middlewich + 353 441606 Middlewich: how to call and what to dial
Goring-on-thames + 353 441491 Goring-on-thames: how to call and what to dial
Bentham + 353 441524 Bentham: how to call and what to dial
Uk Orange Mobile + 353 4477 Uk Orange Mobile: how to call and what to dial
Watford + 353 441923 Watford: how to call and what to dial
Largs + 353 441475 Largs: how to call and what to dial
Abersoch + 353 441758 Abersoch: how to call and what to dial